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The Field Station fees will increase on 1 July 2024, but they will include the cleaning costs. The new rates will be posted by 28 June 2024.

The cost of using the Field Station is based on two fees: a cost per person per night, plus a cleaning fee.

Facility Cost per Person
per Night
Cleaning Fee
Entire Research Station
(East Wing, West Wing, + Lab)
NA $101
East Wing (Big House) only $30 $50
West Wing (Little House) only $30 $40
Laboratory only N/A $35
Teaching Facility (Campground) $15 $80

For instance, if a group of 5 people wanted to use both the East Wing and the Laboratory of the Research Station for 3 nights

  • The person fee would be $30 x 5 x 3 = $450;
  • The cleaning fee would be $50 + $35 = $85;
  • The total cost would be $535.